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Travel Checklist

Planning a trip can be daunting, time consuming for some…. especially if it’s
your first time. Some may also fret about overspending as a result of failing to
plan their trip properly.
Below is my checklist of questions I go through when planning a trip:

  1. Which city(s) am I visiting?
  2. Will I be traveling alone?
  3. How long am I staying?
  4. What do I want to do there?
  5. How am I getting there?
  6. Where do I plan to stay? (eg. In the city centre)
  7. What’s my daily budget for a hotel?
  8. How do I plan to get around the city?
  9. Which city tours should I join?
  10. Should I join a city cruise?
  11. Am I visiting the outskirts? If yes, will it be a day trip or 1 night stay?
  12. Am I getting a local SIM card or relying 100% on my existing telco for
    roaming data?
  13. How much (on average) will 3 daily meals cost?
  14. How much will I be spending on souvenirs?
  15. How much will I be spending on entertainment?

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